Saturday, January 27, 2007

Pictures from Jay St. Clair

Dates and identity on most of the pictures are my best guess, since very few of the original photos had any information on them.

Pictures left to right, top row: John & Frances Bright (Frank St. Clair's Mother's Parents) - taken 1890's. Pansy St. Clair's parents (Charles & Rosella Reeve) - early 1900's. Pansy St. Clair's Dad and Sisters - early 1900's, I picked the girl in the middle as her.

2nd row: Howard (I think) - 1932. Dell, Marian, Howard- 1934. Howard, Marian, Unknown - 1938.

3rd row: Unknown - 1940's. Bud - 1941. Harold & Bud? - 1930's.

4th row -
Howard & friends - 1941. Howard & Class - 1944. 3 in middle, Marian, Bud, Pansy, don't know 2 on each end - 1944.

5th row - Bud, Dell, Pansy, Frank - 1948. Pansy and Howard - 1944. Howard & unknown - 1944.

6th row - Marian & Pansy - 1947.

7th row - Howard - 1944. Howard & Marian - 1945. Wes & Marian - 1948.

8th row - Frank & unknown
kids (Sharon & Peggi?) - 1948. Frank & Howard - 1956.

P.S. from Carol: Remember to click on any image to enlarge. Makes it a lot easier to recognize faces!


Anonymous said...

Well, the first thing I notice after posting is that the pictures are not arranged as indicated in the Draft area, even by reviewing in the Preview screen. Oh well, if you have problems figuring out the order, let me know. Jay

Anonymous said...

I had that same problem... had to go in and rewrite my comments. Maybe Carol can tell us the trick of how to do that.
Carol ???


Carol said...

The picture posting thing can be a little annoying. This is a FREE blogging software, so we have to deal with it's quirks.

When posting photos, each subsequent photo is put at the front-of-the-line. So, you really need to post photos in reverse order to how you want them displayed. First last. Last first.

You also have the option of "left" "right" or "center" alignment when uploading photos. This can work when you are attaching a photo to a specific paragraph.

I find it's best to post the photos, then enter the text. Unfortunately, the preview screen doesn't always (rarely) look like the actual webpage that will ultimately be displayed to the public. After you've dealt with it a while, you get used to some of the quirks. You can always go back and make adjustments after your initial posts (through the "edit" feature). Or, you can save as a draft until you are actually ready to publish for the whole world to see. I don't know of any way to edit comments.

Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

I believe the guy with the axe in 3rd row is my Dad... Harold, not Uncle Bud.
Someone can correct me if I am wrong.

Thanks for all the great photos. I have been busy saving them to my photo file.

Carol said...

It is my mother, Amy St.Clair, on the left in the last picture referenced as row 4 with Marian, Bud & Pansy.

Carol said...

The second to the last picture of Grandpa Frank and the two little girls... is that Bunny on the right?

Anonymous said...

That's Bunny on the right and me on the left. We were both born in 1948, along with Myron so this looks like the following year, 1949. The photo of my Mom and Dad was their wedding photo and Mom tells me it would have been in 1944 and was the only proffessional photo taken of them. Mom was 15 and Dad was 18.
The photo of Grandpa Reeve and sisters....he looks too old for it to have been his sisters and I only remember Grandma Pansy as having one sister, named Carrie...anyone have a clearer idea of who is in that one?
I feel like I've hit a gold mine seeing all these great pictures.

Anonymous said...

Along with Amy, Marian, Bud, Grandma Pansy, that looks like Jessie to me in the 6th row picture.

Unknown said...

I agree with you Bunny on it being your dad sawing the log, Howard was a little closer to Mom in age so wouldn't have looked this mature yet.

Anonymous said...

Hey Peggi, I meet to say Charles Reeve and his daughters, not sisters. This is great and exactly why posting old pictures on this blog is so wonderful - we can all participate in figuring out who is who. Was that picture of your dad and mom new or did you have a copy already? Later, Jay

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay, I'm still wondering who that third girl was, and also the child in the photo of Charles Reeve and 4 females. Could it be a daughter-in-law, because it looks like a possible wedding photo since Charles has a flower on lapel and girls have them on waist? Mom may have a clue when she checks these out. As for the photo of Mom and Dad, Mom may have one like that and I will find out soon. Could be I've seen it when young and forgotten in my 'young age'now.