Friday, July 28, 2006

The St. Clair Women - 1955

I've moved this picture up in the blog, to be with the (recently acquired) man clan photo.

Does anyone know when this photo was taken? It's a very cool picture of the St. Clair women. I think I have a St. Clair men photo somewhere.
You can click on the image to enlarge.

I think I can identify most of these women, but not sure about who is on the far left. Is that Shirley on the far right?

From left to right: Janice (Nita), Jessie, Sally (Bunny), Marian (Sharon & Peggi), Grandma Pansy, Amy (Carol), Bud's Marion (Nancy), Dottie, Shirley. Marian (with an "a") is Frank & Pansy's daughter. Marion (with an "o") is Bud's wife. The blended family was always very confusing to me... but I'm getting it sorted out as time goes by. My adult brain seems to be able to grasp it better than the kid brain did.

How did I do? Can anyone help me with this? (Thanks Nancy... I've made the corrections!)



Anonymous said...

That is Janice and Nita on the left. Otherwise you were right about everyone else,
Good job! Nanc

Anonymous said...

What a great picture...I'd like to get a copy of it sometime in the future. What fun to see these and remember those old days. Grandma and Grandpa lived up on the hill, 6 miles north of Drain at this time and most family gatherings were there.


Carol said...

Peggi, I think my brother, Clair, has the original picture. I'll e-mail the photo from CD. If that doesn't suffice, I'll get a copy made for you. -Carol

Frank St.Clair Clan said...

You left out Nancy under Bud's Marion. What a great photo. I saved it to my photo program.