Saturday, March 17, 2007

Patriot Guard

Hi Everyone,

Jim and I just spent the day with 70+ other bikers... the Patriot Guard, at a funeral for a young man from our town killed in Iraq.

The Patriot Guard tries to go to all funerals for our fallen soldiers to keep the protesters away from the family and friends and to show support. We stood for 3 hours with our flags in pretty much total silence. We do have war protesters in our town, but thankfully they did not try to mess with this funeral.

We had Patriot Guard members attend from as far away as Portland Oregon, and Yakima, Idaho, etc. About 40 rode up from Spokane. Our good friends rode over in the 30 degree weather from a town about 40 miles from Colville. It was a sad occasion which we hope we won't have to do again but will do in a heart beat if needed.

If you have not heard of the Patriot Guard... you can look them up on the web...

We are now drinking hot chocolate (with a little Kalua) trying to warm up. This is the earliest we have had our bikes out. Jim hauled our bikes into a friend's home on Thursday to store them for a few weeks (and so we could use them today). We cannot ride out our 1/2 mile road yet... snow, mud, ice still on the road. But the highways are pretty much OK. So if we get a nice day on the weekend we can go into town and take a ride. Last year we did the same thing. Jim got to ride during the week a few times.. but the weekends were always too cold or ? for me to get to ride....before we brought them back home and could ride from here.

Anyway.... it was a good thing to be a part of but very sad for the family.

Jim took this photo as we were all getting ready to head to the funeral home and the church. I am with our Italian friend Tony and his wife Catherine... we call her "the wee one".
Remember you can double click on any photos to make them larger and hopefully more clear.
Bunny & Jim


Anonymous said...

That was a very noble undertaking. It's too bad more people don't take the time to think about the boys away from home instead of doing things that don't make a difference. Way to go Bunny and Jim!

Anonymous said...

Since reading this entry and checking out the site, I've heard on the news that the Patriot Guard was at the airport here in Portland when some soldiers arrived home recently. I'd never heard of this group before so was glad to get the information.