Thursday, March 22, 2007

2008 reunion "Up&Rolling"

Ok just a short note, first of all I should say to all that I have called -- If I would have read all the notes you all have posted I wouldn't have had to ask as many questions -- so here I am saying I'm sorry for being a pest to those of you that had to say in my old ears the same things you had already posted here ! When you mix a bunch of nuts and bolts with a lot of years of trucking you end up with a box of rocks and that's where they came up with the old saying --- "Dummer than a box of rocks".An old trucker pal of mine said - hey there ole man -- I just figured out how to become a millionaire in the trucking world --- You start out with "9" million .

Back to reality, I have to thank each and every one of you for your help and ideas , please keep up the spirit and thanks again to you "Carol" for getting us all started with this blog , we all owe you a great thanks ! I know that I still need to phone a few more of you just for my own stubborness if nothing else, I'll try not to be a pest , just want to hear your voices and make sure you all know how much this means to us . In the past few weeks I've spoke with my cousins , mostly of which I haven't made the effort to even say hello to for most of my life, SOOO great to hear your positive response !! Now it's up to the bunch of us all to share and pass along our ideas on how and what we should do .Ok --- thats it for now , lots of time to make plans --- I need your ideas and thoughts on these matters , please help if you have the mind to . "Ole Box of rocks Rian " Love to all ~Rian&Gina~

1 comment:

Carol said...

Rian... hanks for the Kudos. I'm glad to have started something good, even if it did take a while to get "up and rolling".