Friday, November 24, 2006


We had anther couple for a great TG dinner, in our cozy little cabin... had the camera ready on the cupboard next to the table. Forgot to take any photos. Geeezzzzz ##@@!##$!!###
I actually cooked two turkeys.... I only have a microwave/convection oven in the cabin so cooked a small one in it and another one in the BBQ. At 28 cents a pound... I could not pass up buying two turkeys. Like to freeze the leftovers for enchiladas, etc. Have a great enchilada recipe from sister-in- law, Candy. I sent half of everything home with our friends and still have lots of food left. Of course I spent 2+ days cooking so don't plan on cooking for maybe a month! Jim says I went overboard... I don't usually entertain in our small cabin so I decided to go for it. Even had shrimp and crab coctails along with a fancy tossed salad -- then the main course with all the traditional foods and a fruit salad like my Mom used to make. Had made a Huckleberry pie and the friends brought a pumpkin pie. Took us several hours before we were ready to tackle the pies.... but we managed to put a big dent in them.
The Microwave/Convection oven is great for large roasts, turkeys, etc. You can cook them on half and half... half convection and half microwave and it takes about half the time to cook them. The oven does it all automatically if you punch the right buttons. Turns out really great.
We played UNO Attack the rest of the evening after dinner. Great fun!
Sounds like you each had a great day and great foodCarol & Nanc.
I can't believe that 2006 is almost over. Where did the year go??
We are expecting some really cold weather in the next week or so. Down around the zero degrees mark at night and highs in the teens. Don't have much snow yet to keep things (plants) covered and partially protected from the cold. So I hope they make it. But, it really does not matter as the deer eat everything anyway.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving...
Love, Bunny

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