Thursday, August 17, 2006

Back from Seattle

Hi everyone,
I got back from Seattle on Monday night... quilting girlfriend went with me. We had a great time and the weather was absolutely wonderful in Seattle. Went to the awards night, the Gala Auction night and 3 to 4 seminars each day. Also shopped at all the vendors, but were fairly "good" -- only bought a couple books and some thread but no fabric. Well..... since neither of us bought any fabric at the show, we did stop to check out a new quilt shop on the way home and managed to find some fabric we could not live without there.

The quilt show was awsome... very overwhelming. It is a juried show... you have to be juried into the show by three jurors. Then it is judged by 3 judges. The Best of Show was an outstanding quilt with a huge cat on it. The whole show was awsome.
My quilt (wall hanging) that was auctioned off brought $500.00 which was one of the top ones that sold. Made me feel really good.

Anyway... it was a great weekend. This week at work has been very busy - trying to catch up, and I was only gone from work on Thursday, Friday and Monday..... and I don't work Fridays anyway. I have an assistant now and she works Fridays, and when I am gone on vacation and conference, etc. That helps a lot.

I am hoping to STAY HOME this weekend... seems like we have been gone someplace every weekend since summer got here. Our summers (good weather) are so short that we cram everything into a very short time period.

Hope everyone is having a great summer.


Carol said...

Hi Bunny, Thanks for the report. I was wondering how much the quilt brought at the auction. I went into the website and looked at a bunch of the quilts. It's interesting to see all the different designs and the titles and descriptions. They were all awesome, but yours was the most awesome, of course! Glad to hear it brought a good price. -Carol

Frank St.Clair Clan said...

Yes, all the traveling/auction quilts were great. Thanks for thinking mine was the most awesome.

It is fun reading the stories about the quilts and why they were made, etc. in a quilt show.
